Protein Power
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Protein is essential to every cell in the body. The amino acids or “building blocks” of protein:
- Build and repair body tissue
- Help fight infections
- Help keep body fluids in balance
- Act as enzymes and hormones
- Help the body maintain a healthy metabolism
- Supply the body with energy in the form of calories
The protein in pork:
- Is considered a complete protein because it contains sufficient amounts of all nine essential amino acids
- Helps maintains muscle mass
- Is used more readily and rapidly by the body than plant-based proteins
- Keeps you feeling full longer so you can focus on a winning performance
How much?
- To ensure you’re getting enough protein, Health Canada recommends eating 2-3 servings (about the size of your fist) of lean meat and alternatives every day.
- Athletes and active adults generally need more protein than the average person.
- To learn more, click here.
Did you know?
A 100 g serving (about the size of your fist) of raw, trimmed pork contains 22 g of valuable protein.