Environmental Research

Environmental Stewardship

Clean Environment Commission Report: Environmental Sustainability and Hog Production in Manitoba

(December 2007)

Abstract: Investigation into the environmental sustainability of hog production in Manitoba, assessed environmental regulations to determine their effectiveness in managing hog production in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Manitoba Pork Closing Submission to Clean Environment Commission Hearing: The Hog Production Industry Review (April 27, 2009)

Abstract: Presentation made by the Manitoba Pork Council to the Manitoba Clean Environment Commission

Topics Covered: Nutrient Management, Manure Management, Land Use Planning, Ground Water Supply and Quality, Surface Water Quality, Soil Quality, Odours, Disease, Climate Change, Environmental Liability, and Industry Prospects.

Economic Analysis of the Hog Production Industry in Manitoba in Relation to the Clean Environment Commission Review of Environmental Sustainability

(George Morris Center)

Authors: Grier Kevin, Cher Brethour, Beth Sparling and Al Mussell

Abstract: Report commissioned by the Manitoba Clean Environment

Commission to evaluate the environmental sustainability of the Manitoba Hog

Industry in relation to its economic background.

CEC Final Report: A Report on Current Knowledge of Key Environmental Issues Relating to Hog Production in Manitoba

Authors: Brewin Derek, Janet Honey, James Ryan, Christine Rawluck, Don Flaten, Martin Nyachoti, Laurie Connor, Elijah Kiarie, Q. Zhang, G. Qu, R. York, Nazim Cicek, M.H. Entz, M.J. Wiens, C. Wilson, K.H. Ominski, Richard A. Holland, Mignon Marcaida and Denis Krause

CEC Report (2007)

Topics: Statistic relating to the Manitoban hog industry, nitrogen and phosphorus management, hog industry water usage, nuisance odour issues, manure storage facilities, manure processing, energy costs, zoonotic pathogens and environmental protection policy instruments.

Site Characterization Manual: For the development of Intensive Livestock Operations and Earthen Manure Storage

Topics: Livestock operation site approval requirements, Aquifers, Geological migration of contaminates.

Canadian Code of Practice for Evironmentally Sound Hog Production

(Canadian Pork Council)

Abstract: Recommended codes of practices, concerning the production of hogs within Canada.


Canadian Pork Council Guidebook

Reference Manual for Producers: Environmental Practices & Technologies

Aimed at Reducing Environmental Impacts (2005)

Topics: Barn Design, Herd Health and Comfort, Air Quality and Odour Control, Manure Storage, Manure Treatment, Manure Application and Managing Mortalities FROM

Nutrient Management / Water Quality Research Documents

Restoring the Health of Lake Winnipeg

Report of the Lake Winnipeg Implementation Committee

Abstract: Report detailing threats to Lake Winnipeg. Topic include, nutrient loading, chemical contamination, climate change, water level control / development and invasive species.

Our Collective Responsibility: Reducing Nutrient Loading to Lake Winnipeg

An Interim Report to the Minister of Manitoba Water Stewardship

Abstract: Recommendations of the Lake Winnipeg Stewardship Board.

Topics include; Trans-boundary / Interjurisdictional Issues, nutrient loss from confined livestock areas, livestock access to riparian areas and waterways, watershed management, cosmetic fertilizer use and waste water treatment.

Manitoba Phosporus Expert Committee Recommendations

(May 6, 2005)

Recommendations for Regulating Phosphorus from Livestock Operations in Manitoba

Final report by the Manitoba Phosphorus Expert Committee to the Manitoba Minister of Conservation

(January 2006)

Abstract: Report recommendations propose; restrictions for the application of manure based on soil test data, crop removal rates, and geographical location. The creation of special management areas for manure application and for continued research regarding phosphorus within Manitoba.

An Examination of the Environmental Sustainability of the Hog Industry in Manitoba

Manitoba Conservation Report


Abstract: Examination of manure application, nutrient loading, water quality, and manure management legislation/regulation.

Recommendations for Regulating Phosphorus from Livestock Operations in Manitoba

Backgrounder: recommendations for phosphorus regulations.


Forms of P in Different Manures and Their Impact on P Runoff and Leaching Losses from Manure Amended Soils: Final Report Submitted to the Manitoba Livestock and Manure Management Initiative

Authors: Kumaragamage Darshani, Don Flaten, Wole Akinremi, Clay Sawka, Dupe Ide and Francise Zvomuya

(University of Manitoba Department of Soil Science, 2009)

Abstract: Comparative analysis of artificial fertilizer, cattle manure and swine manure regarding phosphorus content, availability, solubility and runoff/leaching rate when combined with different soil types.

Forms of P in Different Manures and Their Impact on P Runoff and Leaching Losses from Manure Amended Soils Summary and Implications

Summary of Forms of P in Different Manures and Their Impact on P Runoff and Leacing Losses from Manure Amended Soils.

Acceptable Phosphorus Concentrations in Soils and Impact on the Risk of Phosphorus Transfer from Manure Amended Soils to Surface Waters: A Review of Literature for the Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative Phase 1 of MLMMI Project #02-HERS-01

Authors: Flaten Don, Ken Snelgrove, Ian Halket, Kathy Buckley, Grant Penn, Wole Akinremi, Brian Wiebe and Ed Tyrchniewicz

(University of Manitoba, 2003)

Abstract: Compilation of publications concerning phosphorus within the Lake Winnipeg watershed; topics include phosphorus sources, types of phosphorus available within water, proposed manure management options, manure treatment options, feed efficiency improvements, soil retention rates, land/soil management strategies, soil runoff risk, and legislation and regulations concerning phosphorus management in other jurisdictions.

Feasibility and Effectiveness of Several Options for Regulation Manure Phosphorus Management in Manitoba: Phase Two of a Report for the Manitoba Manure Management Initiative: Acceptable Phosphorus Concentration in Soils and Impact on the Risk of Phosphorus Transfer from Manure Amended Soils to Surface Waters

Authors: Salvano Esther, Ed Tyrchniewicz and Don Flaten

(University of Manitoba, 2004)

Abstract: Report / recommendations pertaining the various regulatory options for phosphorus management on Manitoba hog farms (potential impact evaluations as per case studies).

Sustainable Livestock Development in Manitoba: Finding Common Ground

Authors: Tyrchniewicz Ed, Nick Carter and John Whitaker


Abstract: Report of the Livestock Stewardship Panel on the Manitoban Intensive Livestock Operation industry.

Manure Management

Manitoba Manure Technology Transfer Mission 1995

Report of Manitoba Pork Council Fact Finding Trip (England, Holland and Denmark)

Topic: Comparison of Manitoban and European practices regarding, farm practices, manure management, odour control measures, land use planning, animal welfare...

Tri-Provincial Manure Application and Use Guidelines

(Guidelines for manure application: Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta)

Budgeting for Phosphorus - How Efficient is your Farm?2


Topic: Nutrient removal / application rates.

Pork Producers Guide to Managing Swine Manure: A practical guide for farmers and applicators

Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food - Handbook for Handling Manure

Nutrient Management Workbook

Topic: Application guidelines for Manure within Ontario

Farm Practices Guidelines for Pig Producers in Manitoba

Farm Practices Guidelines for Pig Producers in Manitoba (2007)

Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives (MAFRI) - Handbook for Manure Handling, Manure Storage, Site Specifications and Odour Control.

Appendices - Farm Practices Guidelines for Pig Producers in Manitoba

Manitoba Pork represents 624 Manitoba hog farms

Manitoba Pork

Manitoba Pork’s office at 28 Terracon Place is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m, closed from 12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. for lunch. As much as possible, please contact by emailing or phoning in requests for information, ear tags, and other resources. Contact us by phone, fax, email or regular mail.

Tel: 204-237-7447
24-hour Emergency Contact Line: 1-833-310-0108

28 Terracon Place
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
R2J 4G7