Transportation & Wash Facilities


Manitoba Commercial Wash Station Assessment & Certification Program

The Manitoba Commercial Wash Station Assessment & Certification Program annually evaluates participating wash station practices to continuously improve the sector’s biosecurity standards. Certification under the program is a requirement to be registered as a certified wash station under the Manitoba Hog Transporter Program. The main objectives of the Manitoba Commercial Wash Station Assessment & Certification Program are to:

  • Assess wash stations in Manitoba that handle swine transport vehicles.
  • Provide participating stations with assessment results and suggestions for improvement.
  • Enable and encourage wash stations to continually improve their practices.
  • Engage wash stations to participate in the assessment process to expand awareness and education on biosecurity and disease risk mitigation.
  • Provide Manitoba Pork certification to those stations that meet and or exceed the specified assessment criteria.

Wash stations are assessed using the Wash Facility Assessment and the Wash Procedure Assessment along with a trailer Visual Inspection Checklist. These assessment criteria were developed in collaboration with Manitoba swine veterinarians and technicians to ensure an effective biosecurity and cleaning and disinfection standard is being met. Participating wash stations are provided with results of the two assessments and areas of the assessments to be improved upon.

To participate in the Manitoba Commercial Wash Station Assessment & Certification Program please contact Rhea Teranishi, Manitoba Pork's Sector Initiatives Coordinator, at 204-914-2461.


Following are a number of resources related to transportation biosecurity and proper cleaning and disinfection protocols.

Practicing Biosecurity When Delivering Swine
High traffic sites such as assembly yards and abattoirs pose a risk of contamination to your animals and your operation. It is important to protect yourself when visiting these high traffic sites. To order copies of this booklet for your premises, contact Manitoba Pork using our Contact Us page or 204-237-7447.  

Hog Transport Vehicle Wash/Disinfect/Dry Protocols – CSHB:
All trucks and trailers returning from high-risk sites should be properly washed and disinfected (and preferably dried) according to the Canadian Swine Health Board (CSHB) standard.

Truck and Trailer Wash Protocol Poster – OSHAB
(Click here for video demonstration)

Characteristics of Selected Disinfectants – CFSPH Iowa State University

Disinfectants Proven Effective against Coronaviruses – EQSP:
Disinfectants act to inactivate pathogens and can be extremely effective when applied to a visually clean surface. Different disinfectants have different effectiveness against different pathogens, depending on their type, concentration, and contact time. Only certain disinfectants are effective against coronaviruses, such as PEDv.

Disinfection in Freezing Temperatures – EQSP:
At temperatures below freezing, propylene glycol (PG) can added to disinfectants to delay them from freezing and allow adequate contact time to kill pathogens. As much as 40% PG (by volume) must be used in the disinfectant solution to allow adequate contact time below -20°C.

Establish a Line of Separation (LOS) – National Pork Board (US):
The Line of Separation (LOS) is the line between an area considered to be “clean” (e.g. your barn) and an area considered to be “dirty” (e.g. a livestock trailer). Make sure no one and nothing passes from the dirty side to the clean side without the proper sanitary precautions. If you must cross the LOS, wear dedicated/disposable footwear and clothing for the task. Have a disposal plan to remove and contain used/contaminated equipment.

Transportation Biosecurity Protocols – National Pork Board (US):
Transport trailers and equipment need to be clean before transporting pigs. Loadout areas should also be disinfected between loads. Pathogens can be carried into a barn on pigs’ or people’s feet. An LOS exists between the trailer and the barn. Pigs should only flow in one direction from the “clean” side to “dirty” side. Barn workers and transporters should never cross the LOS into the other person’s side.

Biosecure Unloading Procedures for Transporters Delivering Pigs:
Transporters need to follow strict biosecurity protocols when picking up or delivering pigs, especially at high-traffic sites such as abattoirs and assembly yards. Drivers are not to enter the barn or office except in exceptional circumstances, and they must wear disposable boot covers at all times when outside of their truck cab.

Biosecure Trailer Entry – Rubbermaid® Protocol (best practice) 
(Click here for video demonstration)

Biosecure Trailer Entry – Three Bootie Protocol: 
(Click here for video demonstration)


Jenelle Hamblin
Director, Swine Health

Manitoba Pork represents 624 Manitoba hog farms

Manitoba Pork

Manitoba Pork’s office at 28 Terracon Place is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m, closed from 12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. for lunch. As much as possible, please contact by emailing or phoning in requests for information, ear tags, and other resources. Contact us by phone, fax, email or regular mail.

Tel: 204-237-7447
24-hour Emergency Contact Line: 1-833-310-0108

28 Terracon Place
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
R2J 4G7