Packing Plants & Assembly Yards


These high-traffic facilities will come in contact with most swine diseases experienced in the sector. If animals remain at the premise for over 24 hours, it is possible for them to come in contact with viruses like PEDv and become clinically ill at the site (and during onward transport, if applicable), increasing the environmental contamination. These sites need to always be treated as infected and the highest level of biosecurity needs to be practiced by people delivering or picking up pigs.

Manitoba Transporter Biosecurity Assessments

Throughout the year the Manitoba Transporter Biosecurity Assessment program evaluates transporter biosecurity at high traffic facilities within the province. These assessments are focused on awareness and education, with the objective to highlight and communicate gaps to where improvements on biosecurity practices can be made to individual transporters. General results of assessments are shared with sector stakeholders and producers, with the overall goal to improve the sector’s biosecurity practices.

High traffic facilities wanting to have Transporter Biosecurity Assessments performed, please contact Rhea Teranishi, Manitoba Pork's Sector Initiatives Coordinator, at 204-914-2461


Following are a number of resources related to transportation biosecurity and proper cleaning and disinfection protocols. 

Biosecure Unloading Procedures for Transporters Delivering Pigs:
Transporters need to follow strict biosecurity protocols when picking up or delivering pigs, especially at high-traffic sites such as abattoirs and assembly yards. Drivers are not to enter the barn or office except in exceptional circumstances, and they must wear disposable boot covers at all times when outside of their truck cab.

Biosecure Trailer Entry – Rubbermaid® Protocol (best practice)
(Click here for video demonstration)

Biosecure Trailer Entry – Three Bootie Protocol
(Click here for video demonstration)

Establish a Line of Separation (LOS) – National Pork Board (US):
The Line of Separation (LOS) is the line between an area considered to be “clean” (e.g. a trailer) and an area considered to be “dirty” (e.g. an abattoir). Make sure no one and nothing passes from the dirty side to the clean side without the proper sanitary precautions. If you must cross the LOS, wear dedicated/disposable footwear and clothing for the task.

Transportation Protocols at Packing Plants – National Pork Board:
Transport trailers and equipment need to be clean before transporting pigs. Loadout areas should also be disinfected between loads. Pathogens can be carried into a barn on pigs’ or people’s feet. A LOS exists between the trailer and the barn. Pigs should only flow in one direction from the “clean” side to “dirty” side. Barn workers and transporters should never cross the LOS into the other person’s side.

Processor Biosecurity – OMAFRA

Processor Cleaning and Disinfection – OMAFRA

Slaughterhouse Yard Biosecurity Checklist – Canadian Swine Health Board:
Packing plants and other assembly points should develop SOPs specific to their operation. These should include protocols for moving from “dirty” to “clean” areas and vice versa, for cleaning and disinfecting the facilities, and for transporters delivering to the facilities.

Danish Entry System – South West Ontario Veterinary Services:
Danish entry systems are used to separate dirty areas from clean areas. Dirty clothes and footwear must remain in the dirty area. Clean clothes and footwear are always worn in the clean area. Entry and exit procedures, which may include showering, help keep the clean area clean.

Characteristics of Selected Disinfectants – CFSPH Iowa State University

Disinfectants Proven Effective against Coronaviruses – EQSP:
Disinfectants act to inactivate pathogens and can be extremely effective when applied to a visually clean surface. Different disinfectants have different effectiveness against different pathogens, depending on their type, concentration, and contact time. Only certain disinfectants are effective against coronaviruses, such as PEDv.

Disinfection in Freezing Temperatures – EQSP:
At temperatures below freezing, propylene glycol (PG) can added to disinfectants to delay them from freezing and allow adequate contact time to kill pathogens. As much as 40% PG (by volume) must be used in the disinfectant solution to allow adequate contact time below -20°C.

Biosecure Deadstock Removal – National Pork Board (US):
Locate deadstock bins away from the barns, preferably near a public access road. Make sure farm and delivery vehicles/workers do not need to cross the same path as deadstock haulers. Always wear designated clothing and footwear when disposing of deadstock.


Jenelle Hamblin
Director, Swine Health

Manitoba Pork represents 624 Manitoba hog farms

Manitoba Pork

Manitoba Pork’s office at 28 Terracon Place is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m, closed from 12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. for lunch. As much as possible, please contact by emailing or phoning in requests for information, ear tags, and other resources. Contact us by phone, fax, email or regular mail.

Tel: 204-237-7447
24-hour Emergency Contact Line: 1-833-310-0108

28 Terracon Place
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
R2J 4G7