
Biosecurity is the practice of preventing pathogens (such as viruses and bacteria) from moving into, out of, or within an area. Keeping pathogens out of areas is considered bio-exclusion. Keeping pathogens in an area, so as to prevent contaminating other areas, is considered bio-containment. Keeping pathogens from moving within an area is considered internal biosecurity. These concepts, as seen in Figure 1 below, can be applied from the pen-level on the farm to anywhere globally.

Click on the infographic for a printable poster highlighting the best practices for keeping your swine herd free of disease. To order 11" x 17" laminated posters for your premises, contact Manitoba Pork using our Contact Us page or 204-237-7447.

 Barn Biosecurity

Figure 1: Principles of biosecurity: bio-exclusion, bio-containment and internal biosecurity

Generally, pork producers think about biosecurity at the farm-level. The Canadian Swine Health Board developed a National Swine Farm-Level Biosecurity Standard, which outlines good biosecurity practices that should be implemented on all swine premises. Its main focus is on bio-exclusion, but also considers internal biosecurity, i.e., movement between pens or rooms within a barn, and bio-containment.

Bio-containment is especially important when a farm is dealing with a disease outbreak that other farms in the region are not experiencing. As much as is possible, it is that farm’s ethical responsibility to try to prevent spreading the disease to other farms. Opening communication channels to key stakeholders can help all parties limit disease spread.

Manitoba Pork also works with provincial authorities, producers, veterinarians, and other sector stakeholders to implement strategies related to regional biosecurity (i.e. keeping diseases out of Manitoba or limiting the spread within Manitoba).


Jenelle Hamblin
Director, Swine Health

Manitoba Pork represents 624 Manitoba hog farms

Manitoba Pork

Manitoba Pork’s office at 28 Terracon Place is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m, closed from 12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. for lunch. As much as possible, please contact by emailing or phoning in requests for information, ear tags, and other resources. Contact us by phone, fax, email or regular mail.

Tel: 204-237-7447
24-hour Emergency Contact Line: 1-833-310-0108

28 Terracon Place
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
R2J 4G7