Chop Talk: Issue #25 - November 9, 2018
- District Advisors re-elected at fall producer meetings
- Keynote speaker talks swine research
- Biosecurity top of mind at fall meetings
- Flu vaccines - good for people and pigs!
- Farm safety conferences in Brandon on Nov 26 & Winnipeg on Nov 28
- No application of nutrients after midnight tonight
- Prairie Livestock Expo Pork Quality Competition - entries due November 23
- Mark your calendar
Chop Talk: Issue #24 - October 24, 2018
- Register now! Fall producer meetings - Nov 7 and 8
- Foreign Animal Diseases: Understand, prepare, respond
- Manage stress - 10 tips
- FCC events in Manitoba
- Manitoba Pork supports wellness
- Pumpkin carving at the FFDC - Oct 27
- Mark your calendar
Chop Talk: Issue #23 - October 12, 2018
- Starting or expanding a pig farm in Manitoba
- Register now! Manitoba Coordinated Disease Response
- Fall producer meetings - November 7 and 8
- FCC offering financial support to hog producers
- The Real Dirt on Farming - Portage la Prairie, November 3
- 2018 Agricultural Labour Market Information Survey
- Dine & Dash with Great Tastes of Manitoba
- Mark your calendar
Chop Talk: Issue #22 - September 28, 2018
- PEDv update
- Manitoba Pork salutes Ag Deputy
- District Advisors see science in action on the Namao
- Canadian farm writers entertained by HyLife Foods in Neepawa
- Mark your calendar
Chop Talk: Issue #21 - August 30, 2018
- Swine cost of production models for Manitoba
- Ag Action Manitoba: Beneficial Management Practices
- Amazing Agriculture Adventure needs YOU!
- Great Tastes of Manitoba - Season 29 begins Sept 8!
- Mark your calendar