PEDv bulletin March 14

The Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) reports that a single set of environmental samples, not from an animal, collected from a high pig-traffic site in Manitoba have tested positive for porcine epidemic diarrhea virus.  The samples were found during routine surveillance for PED and are not linked to the current investigation.

Producers are reminded by the Manitoba Pork Council to maintain effective biosecurity measures at all times.

The investigation into how the PED virus may have arrived on the single infected farm in Manitoba continues, but feed and the movement of an infected pig onto the farm have been ruled out as possible sources.

The Office of the CVO has tested samples from all of the farm premises that had contact with the infected farm.  To date, tests from 60 premises have been completed and confirmed negative for PED.

PED is a reportable disease in Manitoba and veterinarians have received updated information from the Office of the CVO on the requirements to report suspected cases of PED.  The rapid-detection monitoring program for facilities that move or handle large numbers of pigs continues.

There are now 32 farm premises that have tested positive for PED across Canada including one in Manitoba, one in Prince Edward Island, one in Quebec and 29 in Ontario.  Manitoba remains in regular contact with chief veterinary officers and industry stakeholders across the country on this issue.

Producers are encouraged to remain vigilant with the necessary biosecurity protocols that prevent the spread of PED and are reminded they must report all suspected cases to their veterinarian.  The CVO will continue to work with the pork industry to help any affected producers eliminate the disease from their herds and prevent the disease from spreading.  Producers who have questions about PED, biosecurity and related issues should contact the Manitoba Pork Council at 1-888-893-7447 (toll-free) or online at for their resources and expertise.

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Manitoba Pork represents 624 Manitoba hog farms

Manitoba Pork

Manitoba Pork’s office at 28 Terracon Place is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m, closed from 12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. for lunch. As much as possible, please contact by emailing or phoning in requests for information, ear tags, and other resources. Contact us by phone, fax, email or regular mail.

Tel: 204-237-7447
Fax: 204-237-9831
24-hour Emergency Contact Line: 1-833-310-0108

28 Terracon Place
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
R2J 4G7