Project: MLMMI 2015-02
The objectives of this project are to provide the industry with information that compares the costs (capital and operating) and performance metrics of this system to competing manure separation technologies.
Deliverables include:
Operating Effectiveness. Generate comparative information that is useful for producers assessing the operating effectiveness of the VP Systems treatment system in comparison to other manure separation technologies MLMMI has evaluated, including a detailed description of the treatment process as well as reliability and efficiency of the system to concentrate solids and phosphorus.
Economics – Capital and Operating Costs. Itemize major infrastructure investments (with an expected range of capital costs) for a farm containing eight 2,000 head finishing barns. Report on anticipated operating costs, including hydro, chemical amendments, maintenance costs, operating supplies, etc.
Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute
Portage La Prairie MB R1N 3C5
Status: Completed
Started: 2015-02-02
Completed: 2015-12-30
Funding Partners: This project received support from the Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative (MLMMI). MLMMI is funded by the Canada and Manitoba governments through Growing Forward 2, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative. MLMMI also receives funds from the Manitoba Pork Council. Growing Forward 2 funding: $26,930 Manitoba Pork Council funding: $26,930 Total amount funded: $53,860
Amount Funded: $53,860.00
Performer Funded: $0.00
Total Cost: $53,860.00
Final report - December 2015
Note to Reader concerning Phosphorous Redistribution Projects
In order to comply with current provincial manure management regulations, livestock producers in phosphorus surplus areas of Manitoba have to implement ways to redistribute nutrients to phosphorus deficient areas. The Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative (MLMMI) is undertaking a series of projects to find effective affordable solutions for producers. This report is one of these projects.
All options available to producers in phosphorus surplus areas are under consideration. These include but are not limited to manure separation, manure handling and storage, and liquid manure transportation. This report is only one of many options that are under consideration.
The VP systems manure treatment system consistently removed a high percentage of phosphorus and dry matter from the manure during this evaluation period. There are many safeguards designed in the control systems to ensure that the operator has the right tools to operate this equipment effectively. However, this system may require daily supervision to ensure that the system parameters will offer the best nutrient removal. The opinion of cost generated for this report is intended to provide increased knowledge and availability of information on a variety of manure nutrient management options in Manitoba.