• MEDIA CENTRE - Economy

    MEDIA CENTRE - Economy

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Supporting a Strong Economy

The hog sector is responsible for over 22,000 jobs across the province. Our sector employs swine technicians, construction workers, electricians, veterinarians, food production workers, transport drivers, and many other quality professions.

At a Glance

  • Exporting to about 30 countries, Manitoba is the second-largest exporter of pork in Canada.
  • 22,000 Manitobans, in Winnipeg and rural Manitoba, depend on the hog sector to make their living.
  • Our sector contributes over $2.3 billion to the provincial GDP annually.
  • Over the next decade, about $2 billion will be invested by Manitoba hog farmers and meat processing companies.
  • Pork is one of Manitoba’s top exports and is recognized as a world-class product.

Over half of those 22,000 jobs are directly connected to processing, transportation, and related-service businesses, allowing young people across Manitoba to stay in their local communities. New skills training programs, like those offered by Assiniboine Community College in processing and food services, are creating a new generation of highly skilled employees for the future of our sector.

Our sector contributes over $2.3 billion to the provincial GDP annually. Operations across the province help fund education, health care, and road maintenance, as well as support local communities. Pending regulatory approval, hog farmers are planning to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in continued growth. These new investments are strengthening communities across rural Manitoba and adding new capacity in urban areas for sustainable growth. New and rebuilt barns will use emerging technologies to improve animal care, increase cost competitiveness, and reduce the environmental footprint.

Manitoba is Canada’s largest producer of pigs, with farm cash receipts of over $1 billion. Pork production in Manitoba is highly integrated, from genetics, feed manufacturing, and specialized services through processing. About 73% of hog operations in Manitoba are farrow to finish, with barns separated by operation type for biosecurity purposes. To learn more about the economic impact of the sector, visit the Province of Manitoba’s sector profile.

Manitoba’s 624 farms and 210 producers export pork to approximately 30 countries around the world, including Japan, the United States, China, Mexico, and South Korea. Manitoba represents 29% of Canada’s hog market.

Manitoba Pork is happy to assist media with inquiries and requests. Please contact Joey Dearborn, Communications Coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Useful Resources

Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development - Hog Sector Statistics
Learn more

Manitoba Pork Careers Page
Learn more

Manitoba Pork represents 624 Manitoba hog farms

Manitoba Pork

Manitoba Pork’s office at 28 Terracon Place is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m, closed from 12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. for lunch. As much as possible, please contact by emailing or phoning in requests for information, ear tags, and other resources. Contact us by phone, fax, email or regular mail.

Tel: 204-237-7447
24-hour Emergency Contact Line: 1-833-310-0108

28 Terracon Place
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
R2J 4G7