• MEDIA CENTRE - People & Culture

    MEDIA CENTRE - People & Culture

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People & Culture

Our sector is focused on making a positive contribution to our communities, and to the lives of Manitobans. The social contributions we undertake are focused on fostering a positive impact on people’s lives and creating new jobs in rural areas across the province.

At a Glance

  • Our sector is one of the few that continues to help rural communities flourish.
  • Communities such as Brandon, Neepawa, Roblin, Killarney and Notre Dame de Lourdes will continue to grow because of the hog sector.
  • Hog farmers are important and significant contributors to the rural communities in which they live.

People & Culture Video Playlist


Manitoba Pork is happy to assist media with inquiries and requests. Please contact Joey Dearborn, Communications Coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sustainable Communities

Manitoba communities fortunate enough to have hog sector involvement are no longer just barely surviving, they are thriving and dynamic. Communities such as Brandon, Neepawa, Roblin, Killarney and Notre Dame de Lourdes, and their surrounding areas, will continue to grow thanks to pork, with residents building new homes, schools and churches, recreational facilities, and daycares. 

Newcomers drawn to Manitoba by jobs in the hog sector are welcomed to Canadian life as new friends and neighbours.

Community involvement is an integral part of our culture and identity. Farmers and sector workers strengthen their connections to the community by contributing their time, skills, and resources. Coaching sports teams, leading 4-H clubs, participating in local initiatives, and supporting charities are just a few of the ways they give back.

To learn more about the role our sector plays in growing communities, watch this this short video.

Creating safer workplaces

The physical and mental well-being of sector workers is an ongoing consideration for employers. Providing comprehensive training is a key aspect of recruitment and retention, along with competitive working conditions, fair labour relations, and a safe working environment.

Manitoba Pork is committed to fostering a culture of safety across our industry. Processors such as Maple Leaf and Hylife in this province enforce and abide by strict safety policies, safe work procedures, and requirements for personal protective equipment.

Training programs, like the trusted transporter program, and Manitoba Pork’s contribution to the new food processing centre and program at Assiniboine Community College are just some examples of our commitment to continued education and our focus on safety for all those who work in our sector.

Useful Resources

Great Tastes of Manitoba showcases the hog sector’s community focus
Learn more

Manitoba Pork represents 624 Manitoba hog farms

Manitoba Pork

Manitoba Pork’s office at 28 Terracon Place is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m, closed from 12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. for lunch. As much as possible, please contact by emailing or phoning in requests for information, ear tags, and other resources. Contact us by phone, fax, email or regular mail.

Tel: 204-237-7447
24-hour Emergency Contact Line: 1-833-310-0108

28 Terracon Place
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
R2J 4G7